51 Bracken Road, Sandyford,
Dublin 18, D18CV48
Start off by checking if your business is eligible for the grant, the Trading Online Voucher is available for small businesses in the Republic of Ireland that have been trading for at least six months, have no more than 10 employees and less than €2 million in turnover.
If your business has less than the equivalent of 10 full-time or part-time employees (based on the equivalent of 10 full-time employees on a 40 hour week), a turnover of less than €2 million and has been trading for at least 6 months, then you can apply for a Trading Online Voucher!
The following is the list of terms and conditions to avail of the Trading Online Voucher scheme.
Local Enterprise Office).
The most important things to consider are two: the maximum value for the voucher is €2,500 or 50% of the eligible expense (net of VAT) and you need to get the approval before incurring any expense.
The full terms to consider are:
*Your business must be located in the area covered by the LEO to whom you make your application i.e. LEOs cannot accept applications from businesses located outside their jurisdiction.
Information seminars held by Local Enterprise offices are made available online or by conference call to support you in your application process and it is a condition of applying for the vouchers that you participate in one of these seminars. At each seminar, you will be informed of the purpose of the scheme and how best to use and get value from the application of the voucher.
Information seminars held by Local Enterprise offices are made available online or by conference call to support you in your application process and it is a condition of applying for the vouchers that you participate in one of these seminars. At each seminar, you will be informed of the purpose of the scheme and how best to use and get value from the application of the voucher.
Once you have attended the information seminar, you can make an application for the grant. The application form is a comprehensive questionnaire designed to help the evaluation committee assess the application and make recommendations for approval. Recommendations are based on the following list of criteria:
In addition to your application form, you will need to include quotes for the work you need done, as well as evidence of the trading duration of your business.
If your business does not fall within the eligibility criteria, but you still need a new website or assistance with any aspects of Website Design, Digital Marketing, Web Development, eCommerce Websites or Booking System, we are here to help - we provide a great service, at competitive rates and deliver results!
To have an in-depth consultation regarding your Online Presence and how we can help - Contact Us.
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